Sunday, December 11, 2011

Tinea Corporis= Ringworm

In the past, Tinea Corporis was known as "ringworm", because people thought a worm caused it. After many investigations, results showed that a fungus caused this infection. Tinea Corporis is the medical term for "ringworm on the body" because it can infect different areas of the body, such as the scalp and the nails. Therefore, getting other names like "Tinea capitis, refers to scalp ringworm, tinea corporis to fungus of the body, tinea pedis to fungus of the feet, and so on" (Stoppler). Tinea Corporis looks like a series of rings, like those that show the age of a tree.

What is Tinea Corporis?
Tinea Corporis is a fungal infection that occurs on the skin. Athletes are at a high risk of infection because all the sweat and warmth of their body makes it a wonderful place to spread. Athletes are always at a higher risk of getting infected by many different infections due to their exposure to different surfaces and constant contact to other players.

How can one get Tinea Corporis?
Like any skin infection, ringworm can spread through direct contact with other people and infected surfaces. "Ringworm may be spread by touching pool or gym surfaces, wrestling mats, and shower stalls" (Tinea Corporis,

How can one treat Tineas Corporis?
Ringworm is typically treated with creams that contain Miconazole, Clotrimazole and/or Ketoconazole (Ringworm- Tinea Corporis, These are over-the-counter creams, and can also be found next to creams for skin infections like Athlete's Foot.

1 comment:

genius786 said...

Thanx for sharing your knowledge. written very well on Cause, Symptoms and Treatment of Tinea Corporis